Teck Ghee YEC Environmental Awareness Project - Soap Making Workshop
The YEGs attended a soap-making workshop, on 4th September 2010 from 10 to 11am at Teck Ghee CC organized by the Environmental Interest Group,Teck Ghee YEC.
The aim of the workshop is to provide a platform of outreach to spread the message about the importance of recycling and waste minimisation to students and teachers.
The objectives of the workshop are as follows:
a) To increase the participants’ understanding on the impact of recycling instead of disposing waste cooking oil on the environment.
b) Through a hands-on session, they will discover the process behind the formation of soap.
Ms Lok trying out soap making with the YEGs.
Materials used for making soap from waste cooking oil.
The YEGs hopes to spread the skills they have learn to the rest of the students in 2011.