Wednesday 19 December 2007

Clean and Green Singapore School Carnival 2007

The CGS Schools’ Carnival is a milestone event showcasing the efforts of our students from the many environmental programmes and competitions that were held in conjunction with various private and public sector partners during the year.

The Clean and Green Singapore Schools' Carnival 2007 took place from 6 November 2007to 7th November 2007 at Suntec Exhibition Hall 403 & 404.

The YEGs@Mayflower decided to explore the possibility of using local herbs and plants as insect repellent.

It brings together a host of activities to highlight environmental issues such as energy efficiency, climate change, waste minimization and recycling, dengue prevention and the importance of not littering and keeping our schools and public areas clean.

Mayflower YEGs was on hand to promote this new project.

The teachers in charge of YEGs :Ms Sherri, Ms Faridah and Ms Ess


Anonymous said...

Hi Youth Environmental Guardians,

I am Wenhua. Me and a group of Youths are organising an environmental event named Envirofest 2008 this coming June.

We wish to invite your team to join us.

However, I don't have any of your contacts. If you are interested, pls email me @ or

Hope to hear from you all soon.

Thank you.

Yours truly

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

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