organic products a more socially responsible and environmentally
friendly choice. These issues are mainly:
- Climate Change & farming
Organic farming uses 50% less energy than conventional farming to produce the same amount of food or crops, thus reducing the amount of greenhouse gases produced. Poor land management adds to global warming.
- Animal Welfare
Animals on organic farms are free ranging and have quality food; routine use of antibiotics and hormones is prevented and possible because they run a healthy and balanced system. Transport and slaughter of animals are also according to guidelines. - Wildlife
Organic farmers maintain trees, hedges, unfarmed field edges, which provide habitats for natural predators like beetles, spiders and birds which control pests. Since the introduction of pesticides into farming, farmland birds have declined by up to 95%, so organic farming supports a living countryside. - Genetic Modification
- Genetic Modification (GM) food is already in the market, although no one knows what the long-term health implications of GM food will be. Once GM pollen is released into the environment, there is no way of recalling it or preventing it from contaminating other crops. Organic farming and food uses non-GM crops or products
- Antibiotics
Most of the antibiotics used in the UK are given in food to farm animals to suppress the infectious diseases that arise with intensive farming and to act as artificial growth promoters. The residual antibiotics in the food we eat may have given rise to superbugs and antibiotic resistance. It can be fatal for those infected by antibiotic resistant bacteria and whose immunity is compromised. Drugs and antibiotics are not routinely used in organic farming. - Pesticides
150 of the commonly used pesticides are potentially cancer causing and some cannot be washed off. Organic farmers usually use natural predators or natural products like neem oil from the neem tree (Azadirachta indica) to control pests. Buying organic is a way of avoiding pesticides in your food or other products.
The above information can be found on the website of the Soil Association of UK.
Why are natural perfumes better?Pollution from making, using and disposing of fragrance chemicals is a serious environmental problem. The fragrance industry uses neurotoxic, carcinogenic and toxic waste chemicals derived from petroleum to make sweet smelling products that go into detergents, fabric softeners, soaps, shampoos, perfumes, cosmetics, air fresheners, scented candles etc.
They are not required to disclose these ingredients on the labels and the Material Safety Data Sheets for these chemicals contain warnings to avoid inhalation of vapours and skin exposure, yet they are in products you inhale and apply on your skin.
Like second hand smoke, synthetic fragrances permeate the environment and are absorbed by everyone surrounding you.
People with asthma or Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS) can suffer headaches, breathing problems, weakness, confusion, anxiety, panic attacks and other neurotoxic symptoms when they are exposed to synthetic fragrances.
MCS is acquired from chemical overloads, either from one big exposure or low-level exposure over many years.
The above information can be found on the following websites:
Return your used bottles of Cicada Tree Eco-Place natural products on your next order and get a 50¢ discount for each bottle returned.
Contact Celine Low @ email: or mobile no. 96932554.
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