Venue : Singapore Science Centre
Date : 19 April 2008
Later the chair person of STAS provided the following feedback for the event.
Dear Vilma and Celine,
Thank you for sharing with the participants on STAS Day.
The Earth Buzz session has certainly created an awareness of Cicada Tree Ecoplace among the participants.
They have shown keen interest in the collaborative projects which CTEP does with schools.
Your team from Mayflower Sec has certainly created an impact! :-) hope they managed to sell all the Shoo Mozzie and perfume.
Thanks once again and STAS look forward to future collaboration with CTEP.
best regards,
Pearly Ng Chairperson,
Thank you for sharing with the participants on STAS Day.
The Earth Buzz session has certainly created an awareness of Cicada Tree Ecoplace among the participants.
They have shown keen interest in the collaborative projects which CTEP does with schools.
Your team from Mayflower Sec has certainly created an impact! :-) hope they managed to sell all the Shoo Mozzie and perfume.
Thanks once again and STAS look forward to future collaboration with CTEP.
best regards,
Pearly Ng Chairperson,
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