Here, the director of Skinplus , Jacob Liu ,(a company which supply spa products) was on hand to show the studnets the art of making Shoo Mozzie.
The YEGs from 4A preparing to make Shoo Mozzie.
WoW ! This is fun.
Mr Lai, getting all the ingredient ready.
Studnets getting ready to cap the bottles.
Mr Lai, explaining the proper procedure to bottle the Shoo Mozzie.
Mrs Audrey Koh, another teacher in charge of the YEG was there to lend a helping hand.
Ms Sherri Ng, sterilization the bottles.
Altogether, 1000 bottles of Shoo Mozzie were produced using the money provided by the Coyote Funds. Shoo Mozzie, an all natural insect repellent, was developed by the environmental NGO Cicada-Tree Eco Place (CTEP). With the support of the Coyote Funds, CTEP now can sell the Shoo Mozzie at a lower price so that more people can benefit from the use of natural insect repellent.
We have to thank Mr Lai whose company did not charge us GST and provided all the ingredients at cost so that we can keep the price low.
We will be promoting the Shoo Mozzie is Sunday. Here are the details
Project CLEAN @ Ang Mo Kio GRC & Yio Chu Kang SMC
25 MAY 2008, Sunday
Blk 548 Ang Mo Kio Ave 10
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