In May the YEGs were given funds to produce Shoo Mozzie through the Citibank-YMCA Youth for Cause.
We are glad to announced that we have almost achieved our target of selling 500 bottles of Shoo Mozzies.
Through the hard work of all the YEGs we have managed to sell the following bottles of Shoo Mozzies.
39 bottles at Anchorpoint
16 bottles from Kebun Bahru Parent cum Block Party
9 bottles from fun fair in school
2 bottles from World view 360 competition
416 bottles at Singapore Garden Festival
482 total sale up to 31st July.
We are confident that we will be able to sell the last 12 bottles during the Humanities Week from 4th August to 8th August 2008.
Down memory lane.....
It all started with 4 YEGs who wanted to produce the all natural organic mosquito repellent. They have learnt how to produce it from an environmental NGO called Cicada Tree Eco Place. So they decided to appeal for funds from the Youth for Cause project. Here they are putting the final touch to their project.
Production of Shoo Mozzie began in earnest once approval was given. Ms Faridah was in charge of the production.
All the YEGs dropped by to help. Some teachers including Ms Sherri Ng and Mrs Audrey Koh also lend a helping hand.
We sold the most bottles at the Singapore Garden Festival.
We were effectively triangle as we deployed students who can speak, Chinese, Malay and English to promote the Shoo Mozzie.
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