Dear YEG,
Mayflower has been working to make the school green. We have embark on the green Audit Award as a way to see how far we have come and how much more we have to do
Below is a write up about the award from the website How Green is my school.
We will be asking all YEG to play their part. There is only one Earth. OURS.
The Singapore Environment Council (SEC) is giving out awards to schools that participate in its "How Green is Your School" programme.
Mayflower has been working to make the school green. We have embark on the green Audit Award as a way to see how far we have come and how much more we have to do
Below is a write up about the award from the website How Green is my school.
We will be asking all YEG to play their part. There is only one Earth. OURS.
The Singapore Environment Council (SEC) is giving out awards to schools that participate in its "How Green is Your School" programme.
This programme comes with a self-help manual, which will assist your school in gauging its level of green-consciousness.
The Programme is a simple environmental audit programme.
The students will calculate amongst other things the school's usage of:
- Water- Electricity
As well as the amount and type of rubbish that is generated by the:
- School canteen
- School office/staff room
- Classrooms
- School garden/others
From these findings, students will be able to suggest ways to save and cut down on unnecessary wastage and find ways to reduce and recycle the garbage that is generated.
The programme hopes to highlight that as an individual, and collectively as a group, we are able to make a difference to our environment.
Where is this place in the picture?
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