So here's my reflection for today's "kill the mosquitoes" project haha.
If you take some time to think about the issue of dengue fever, it actually comes down to one thing: laziness. Well, I personally think that people are just LAZY to take the correct measures in preventing the Andes mosquitoes from breeding. Some might argue that some people are unaware of it, but there are advertisements on these measures all over the place, on TVs, sometimes even on radios. There are banners around, advertising the hotline? I mean, if you are REALLY unaware, just call! I think that if everybody can do their part, and make an effort to follow these measures, I do not think that dengue fever will be that deadly anymore.
It is strange really, since these measures are for the sake of our lives, not just me, you or anybody, but rather, it is everybody. So, the real deadly problem here is not the disease itself, but instead, it is the attitude of some irresponsible people who cannot see the need to protect their own lives.
Today's project was very inspiring, in the sense that at least I get to see people actually advising people on how to deal with the breeding of mosquitoes in action. Normally, I just see it on Tv or some newspapers, but seeing this 'live' and actually becoming a part of this project just inspires me to do more. More than just house visits, or campaigns.
However, today while going door-to-door to give out pamphlets, I also got to see the ugly sight of people, some people actually asked us to 'shoo' as if we were some salesmen, it is rather ridiculous that we are here, trying to save their lives, and they just sit in their homes, not giving attention to this major issue. They should at least realise that this issue is so major because of our irresponsibility.
Concluding my long reflection, I will like to again, stress that it is our own responsibility to protect our own lives, and not the responsibilities of some other caring people who actually CARES about our lives when we don't. Therefore, the importance of this issue need not be repeated.
Kenneth Lim (4J)
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