Best Group Presentation @ My Campus
~ A Sharing Session with peers from other Secondary Schools ~
To increase the knowledge level of students in public health though Sharing Session on environmental and public health issues.
Sharing Session Topic
3 March 07 - “Why do Singaporeans litter and how to discourage it?”
Our YEGs put up two teams for this sharing session. Team A presentation was entitled Littering Crushes Life while Team B presentation was entitled YEGs :Littering : A deadly disease
After all the preparation Team B presentation were selected as the group with the best presentation amongst all the other schools.
They will go on to present their findings at the 3rd Environmental Regional Workshop on 10 March 07. Mayor of Central Singapore District, Mr Zainudin Nordin, is the Guest-of-Honour for this workshop.
Date: 10 Mar 2007 (Saturday)
Time: 2pm - 5pm (Lunch will be served at 1pm)
Venue: Marina Mandarin Hotel, Vanda Ballroom, Level 5.
Well done YEGs
Here are some of the relfection from the YEGs
Reflections on YEG sharing session on 03/03/07
From Koh Fang Qi
It is a fruitful trip as we obtained quite a number of informative information about littering and pollution, regardless of what the main topic is. Through this, we did our school and our class proud. Other than these, we did ourselves proud by getting chosen too.
After the ‘intensive’ training and valuable comments given by teachers, we often stayed behind after school to make amendments and rehearse for the presentation. We even prepared props and tried ways to make the presentation in a lively and interesting way, rather then reading word by word that appears on the slides. It is a little too boring presenting in this way.
So, our hard work and all our efforts paid off. Our video clips entertained the judges, making them and the audiences laugh out loud and we added a ‘live’ skit at the ending, showing how we being the YEG react to litterbugs of our age. Stretching out to the public, educating them more about littering is a must, being friendly is a plus. Our target is to show our care and concern to the environment and take good care of it.
I believe that our action plan will work as our goal in thinking about it was- realistic and easily accessible. When they announced the winning team, we were so nervous even though our friends in another participating team said that we would win. I really enjoyed the moment when our classmates and the judges congratulated us and received friendly hugs between our team members. All of us were happy for each other. We did it!
I realised that it is important in a team, to have teamwork and cooperation. without coordination and cohesiveness in a group, things will not carry out as planned. creativity is also a very important factor. responsibility is very important too, as everybody has a role to play, and to do well, we all have to do our part.i learnt that what matters most is that so long as we have done our very best.i felt a sense of satisfaction and achievement when we completed the task.
Eugene Lim
during the other presentations by other schools, i learnt how to spot the things that we should not do during presentation... as for the presentation, i learn how to avoid the things that should not be done. teamwork is very important, if not, the work that we had done will be wasted. be confident in what we had done and be ourselves. take the competition as an experience, not a torture to us.
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