For example, it was observed that this pile of rubbish was left to rot for a couple of months. This picture was taken in February 2007. Notice the Chirstmas decoration at the bottom right corner?
The relevant authorities were informed of this when the YEGs was studying the littering issue. Action was taken immediately and the above was the result. While we can celebrate this small step, let take a look at another place.
This is Ang Mo Kio Street 21. Notice that it is clean and there are very little rubbish.
This is another view of the same road. Why is it so clean? This is because it was taken during the March school holidays when there were very few students walking along this road.
Can anyone guess what will happen when school reopens?
Here are the top ten reasons why this road is filled with rubbish during term time.
1. It is outside school and so the teachers will not catch me.
2. There are no rubbish bins along this road so it is not my fault.
3. Few teachers will walk here as they have cars, so I can litter as I wish.
4. CARE value only takes place in school. Once I am outside school, I DON"T CARE.
5. My friends do it so I do.
6. This is not my house. It is a public place.
7. I forgot. My maid is not here to pick up after me
8. Mr Han will not see me.
9. Mr. Prem is too busy in school to catch me outside of school.
10.If I litter in class what the difference does it make doing it here?
What a load of RUBBISH!!!!!!
Watch out. There will be YEGs looking out for litterbugs along this road.
Would it not be fun to be caught in the act and have your picture posted on this blog?
You have been warned.
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