OF LATE, there has been a sharp increase in dengue cases, which is shocking considering that the Government has put in extra efforts to help alleviate the problem.
I was at the event last Saturday when Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong talked about the dengue problem in Singapore. During his speech, I looked up at the bamboo pole holders of the flats nearby and spotted many that were uncovered.
What this proves is that some residents are either forgetful or uncooperative.
The Government has organised many campaigns to tackle dengue, and there are many agencies spreading the message to stop mosquitoes from breeding. However, I see many people take things for granted and feel they need not do anything since others are already doing the job.
However, we cannot be too dependent on the work of the Government as the dengue problem can only be solved if we work together with them. If we do not cooperate with the authorities, the dengue issue will worsen as there are simply too many potential mosquito breeding sites.
If the Government and the relevant agencies are willing to spend time to educate us on how to prevent mosquito breeding, shouldn't we return the favour by cooperating with them and join in the efforts to tackle this problem?
This article first appeared in Today on 26th June 2007
OF LATE, there has been a sharp increase in dengue cases, which is shocking considering that the Government has put in extra efforts to help alleviate the problem.
I was at the event last Saturday when Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong talked about the dengue problem in Singapore. During his speech, I looked up at the bamboo pole holders of the flats nearby and spotted many that were uncovered.
What this proves is that some residents are either forgetful or uncooperative.
The Government has organised many campaigns to tackle dengue, and there are many agencies spreading the message to stop mosquitoes from breeding. However, I see many people take things for granted and feel they need not do anything since others are already doing the job.
However, we cannot be too dependent on the work of the Government as the dengue problem can only be solved if we work together with them. If we do not cooperate with the authorities, the dengue issue will worsen as there are simply too many potential mosquito breeding sites.
If the Government and the relevant agencies are willing to spend time to educate us on how to prevent mosquito breeding, shouldn't we return the favour by cooperating with them and join in the efforts to tackle this problem?
This article first appeared in Today on 26th June 2007
From TalkingCock.com
Residents Find MPs More Annoying Than Mozzies
Posted on Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Topic: Politics
by K.K. Cheow
The residents of Hong Kan GRC claim their MPs are a bigger nuisance than mosquitoes.
“Seow leow,” said Bukit Gorblok St 69 resident Ho Lang Char. “I come home from a busy work day and want to relax, then skarly my MP turn up at my door with his whole swarm come and bug me! Wah lan eh!”
The latest outbreak of MPs is apparently due to the anti-dengue campaign being waged by the Gahmen, with MPs making house to house visits.
“The problem is getting worse,” said Mdm Gatal bte Nyamuk of Bukit Buttocks St 88. “Last time, the MPs would come only once every few years to ask me how I’m doing, to kiss my baby and ask me to vote them. Now, they’re coming round to ask me to check my plants lah, clear my drains lah… leceh, sial!”
It is believed the population of MPs is actually growing.
“Last time my constituency only got one,” said Mrs. Chin Chuay Bang. “Now, hwah! Got at least 5! It’s an MPdemic!”
“Yah lor,” said her neighbour Mister Moh Pee Koh. “Everywhere I turn, void deck lah, market lah, CC lah, I also see their faces. At first just on notice boards or on billboards during festivals. But now also on posters and pamphlets telling me to fight the mosquitoes. Make me sick only!”
Political scientists believe that stagnant electoral conditions are causing more of these bloodsuckers to breed.
Worse, they are becoming genetically more resistant to traditional methods of destruction.
“Last time you could give them a slap and stop them,” said Mister Teo Bang Kah. “But I understand that this new breed will slap you back!”
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