So here's my reflection regarding yesterday's presentation at the Teck Ghee Community walk against dengue on 23rd June 2007.
Yesterday, while PM Lee was giving his speech, I realised that some of the flats nearby had their bamboo pole holders uncovered. During the skit, my disappointment faded away when I saw the attendance of the residents was as all the seats were full, so much so that we could not even find seats for ourselves after the skit presentation. I guessed the skit was a success, judging by the way the audience laughed at various parts of the skit. Who would have guess that the person who laughed the loudest was Prime Minister Lee.
I was honoured to be part of the programme as I get to spread the message to residents 'bout the importance of stopping the dengue problem. Although I was just part of yesterday's campaign, the presence of PM Lee sent me a message about how important every parts of the programme were. After our presentation, there was a group of children from the NTUC Childcare Learning Centre presenting another skit. It was very entertaining, and the important fact is that residents learn 'bout how to prevent mosquitoes from breeding while laughing at the same time.
I hope that more similar events will take part in the future as yesterday's experience proves how effective such events are in spreading the message to stop the dengue fever and educating the public in a fun and entertaining manner.
Lim Chun Tat Kenneth (4J)
Yesterday, while PM Lee was giving his speech, I realised that some of the flats nearby had their bamboo pole holders uncovered. During the skit, my disappointment faded away when I saw the attendance of the residents was as all the seats were full, so much so that we could not even find seats for ourselves after the skit presentation. I guessed the skit was a success, judging by the way the audience laughed at various parts of the skit. Who would have guess that the person who laughed the loudest was Prime Minister Lee.
I was honoured to be part of the programme as I get to spread the message to residents 'bout the importance of stopping the dengue problem. Although I was just part of yesterday's campaign, the presence of PM Lee sent me a message about how important every parts of the programme were. After our presentation, there was a group of children from the NTUC Childcare Learning Centre presenting another skit. It was very entertaining, and the important fact is that residents learn 'bout how to prevent mosquitoes from breeding while laughing at the same time.
I hope that more similar events will take part in the future as yesterday's experience proves how effective such events are in spreading the message to stop the dengue fever and educating the public in a fun and entertaining manner.
Lim Chun Tat Kenneth (4J)
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