Based on today’s programme, I really enjoyed myself as we had fun there and we certainly did the school proud. So, let’s take things one at a time and I shall begin with our skit presentation. All of us were fully prepared and I believed that PM Lee, invited guests and the residents of Teck Ghee GRC enjoyed our skit based on their laughter. Although a small problem cropped up in between the skit due to the microphone, it did not affect our overall performance that badly.
Here comes to the main point I’m driving at. Although we were presenting the four steps in an entertaining way, our main message is still to educate the public on the proper ways to prevent breeding of mosquitoes that causes dengue fever. By doing so, residents will be able to minimize the chances of getting dengue fever within the zone they belong to. Dengue fever is becoming more and more crucial as days pass. Therefore, we should all the more promote practicing the four steps of dengue prevention and pass the knowledge and benefits we have on this exercise to our friends and relatives.
As this topic is highly concerned by various people nowadays due to the increasing cases of Singaporeans suffering from dengue fever, we have to take into serious consideration on how important dengue prevention exercises are now. The DPVG (Dengue Prevention Volunteer Group) has been going through home visits to educate the people on dengue prevention and to demonstrate the 4 ways in keeping their unit free from mosquitoes. Booklets, information sheets, insecticides and bamboo pole holders are given to residents in a HOMES kit during home visits. These necessities are tools needed to carry out the 4 steps of dengue prevention. For example, we have to cover the bamboo pole holders when they are not in use. As such, the residents will have a better understanding on dengue prevention and its seriousness. Through this, they will also be able to pass on the message correctly.
In conclusion, I am supportive of these activities by bonding residents with their various MPs to cooperate and to keep their own zone free from dengue. If each of us play our part by keeping the environment clean and clearing all stagnant waters on alternate days, we will be able to make a difference by staying away from dengue. Always remember, “Let’s Clean Up, Bin It and Don’t Breed It!”
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